Youth Ministry
Resources - 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A: Matt
9:36-10:8 - Jesus names the apostles - 11th Sunday in Ordinary TimeWhen
we listen to today's Gospel the paucity of the English language and the difficulty
of translation comes to the fore. The Jerusalem Bible explains that Jesus "felt
sorry for them" and the NRSV uses the word "compassion" which is
closer to the Greek word used in the original text, a word related to 'entrails,
bowels or guts' and indicates that Jesus was moved to the very core of his being
- an experience that would cause Jesus to pause and inhale deeply as he looked
upon the people he loved. Shepherd imagery is common throughout
the Bible for political and religious leadership and Jesus knows that the lost
sheep will respond to the voice of the Good Shepherd. So moved is Jesus by what
he sees in these lost sheep that he is motivated to call his apostles and commission
them to go to these lost sheep. Jesus is acutely aware of the spiritual needs
of the people and in this instance Jesus turns the problem into an opportunity. Most
of us are facing the prospect of losing masses as the result of the reduction
in the number of priests. We are experiencing parishes being combined with neighbouring
parishes and some fear a loss of identity or a "loss of my mass." However,
as this reduction is widespread, even world wide, we need to read the sings of
the times. We can take this situation and turn it into an opportunity and that
is what Jesus commissioned us to do at our Baptism. There are endless opportunities
for each of us to deepen our knowledge of God and to be the Body of Christ in
today's world. Jesus gives the apostles real power and
authority because healing and casting out unclean spirits were clearly the work
of God and could only be carried out with God's authority. The list of the apostles
varies slightly in Mark, Luke and Acts so the names are not as important as the
number 12 comes from the number of tribes of Israel and is symbolic of the restoration
of all Israel. Remember Matthew is writing for the Jewish consciousness of his
own community. Another problem with translation occurs
in verse 38 where the Jerusalem Bible, the NRSV and the NIV all state "so
ask the Lord of the harvest
" and the Greek clearly says "pray
therefore to the Lord of the harvest
" There is a stark difference here
and it is important to remember that this is God's harvest, not ours and yet we
have a part to play. Only a community that nourishes its faith through powerful
prayer is apt to receive and to generate more pastoral workers. Every week we
are commissioned at mass to "Go in peace to love and serve the world"
if we took those words seriously our world would be a better place and our churches
would be full. Cate Mapstone Youth
Ministry Resources 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time Click the Pope for more Youth
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