Youth Ministry
Resources - 5th Sunday of EasterYear
A: John 14:1-12 - Farewell discourse - 5th Sunday of EasterJesus
is preparing his disciples for when he has left them to be with the Father, his
words are comforting and encouraging. The fear and uncertainty of the disciples
is palpable - what will they do without Jesus? Will they be persecuted? Will they
be killed as Jesus was? Have they backed the wrong leader? Should they just return
to the Synagogue and put all this behind them? Who will guide them? Confusion
reigns and Jesus explains repeatedly that God will look after them - do not let
your hearts be troubled. Trust in God still and trust in me. Jesus
reassures the disciples that there is a place prepared for them with the Father
and one of the most loved I AM statements is used here - I am the Way, the Truth
and the Life. Jesus is not just their guide to salvation, he is the source of
life and truth. Jesus speaks frequently of the unity between God the Father and
himself to reinforce the strength of what he has been teaching them. The disciples
have seen the glory of God through the words and actions of Jesus and now they
are to continue this work of Jesus and God the Father on earth, while Jesus goes
to the Father to prepare eternal life for them. This
reading is frequently chosen for funerals because of the reassurance offered in
the words of Jesus. Through our Baptism, we have died with Christ and so we will
rise with Christ into eternal life. That is why we place the white pall on the
coffin as a reminder of the strength of our Baptism and of God's promise that
God's children will live in God's house forever more. As much as the disciples
feared the loss of Jesus it was only when Jesus left that they grew in understanding
that Jesus was continuing to live in each person. Just as there are many dwelling
places in heaven, Jesus has as many dwelling places here on earth with each Baptised
person. As we are the dwelling
place of God, then everything we do is meant to reflect that reality. When we
are bad tempered we cannot be a source of God's love and joy. When we are selfish
then God can't be seen because our myopia is all encompassing. When we criticise
others then we have put ourselves above God who knows and loves justice. When
we insist on the letter of the Law and forget God's Spirit, then we become Pharisees
and have diminished God's intention to be the Way, the Truth and the Life. So
do not let your hearts be troubled, go in peace to love and serve the world. Cate
Mapstone Year C: 5th Sunday
of Easter Today's Gospel
reading is taken from the dialogue at the Last Supper. It is interesting that
the first sentence, about Judas, is retained when the rest of the dialogue is
about Jesus' glory and commandment to his followers. It is worth contemplating
upon its inclusion and may be a handy reminder for us about the choices we make.
Do we betray Jesus by our sin or do we choose to follow the command of Jesus to
"love one another." The departure of Judas also acts as the trigger
for the events of the passion and crucifixion of Jesus. Jesus prepares the apostles
by speaking to them about his glory entwined with that of God "the Father
and I are one." Jesus' passion and death are always tied into his glorification.
The cross remains a frightful scandal and obstacle if Jesus is not recognised
as the Son of God. John's gospel clearly states from the outset "in the beginning
was the Word
" Also from John's gospel we hear of the signs that Jesus
performed to show he was the Son of God. Jesus
now tells the apostles what their "sign" will be, so that "everyone
will know you are my disciples." Jesus calls the apostles "little children,"
there is such tenderness in that term, his love for them is very evident. How
will the apostles manage without his physical presence? Jesus commands them "love
one another; just as I have loved you." This is a pretty big 'ask.' Jesus
has set the highest standard of love through his self-offering and yet he insists
that "love, as I have loved you," be the foundation for behaviour for
believers and disciples. We are called to be that "sign" of God's love,
right here and now, where we live, work and worship. That love cannot be selective
because "even sinners love their friends
" We are asked to "love
one another" and I wonder how our "love" is measuring up these
days. Do the people we encounter recognise God's love in us through the way we
talk to them, by the decisions we make, by the way we value them, by the things
we do? Jesus is commanding us to take on a new kind of order in our lives and
that command includes unconditional love. Yes, that is not easy but how else can
the Reign of God come into this part of the world. Cate
Mapstone Youth
Ministry Resources 5th Sunday of Easter Click the Pope for more Youth
Ministry Resources. 