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Youth Ministry Resources - The Epiphany of The Lord

The Epiphany of The Lord - Year A

For some people, today's feast signifies the completion of their nativity scene, the wise men can be added at last. To others, today's feast bears a strange name that they don't hear used in the secular world.

The word "epiphany" is a Greek word that means 'revelation' or 'manifestation' and this visit by the Magi represents the first public manifestation of Jesus as the Christ.

The passage begins with the birth of Jesus and the relationship with the social and political events of the time all contributing to the truth that Jesus was an historical figure - early historians openly attest to this truth. It is interesting that the Magi come 'following their star' uncertain of what they will find.

They go to the leader of the people, Herod, who summons the religious leaders to find out what was happening and we hear that "Herod was perturbed and so was the whole of Jerusalem."

It is interesting that it took some outsiders to bring to their attention the most significant event of their era, something that the Scripture had foretold for centuries. Were they so busy with their own 'kingdoms' that they had lost sight of the coming of the Kingdom of God.

The exciting part of today's feast is that the Messiah Israel was waiting for was in fact to become the Messiah for the whole world. The sheer delight in this reality has ensured that this feast has been celebrated since the earliest times in the Church's history.

The Magi were Gentiles who represented the deepest spiritual wisdom of their people and yet their knowledge was only completed when it was combined with the wisdom of Israel and the Word of God in the Scriptures.

Another way of acknowledging that none of us have the complete answers, that when we contribute what we do know for the common good, a more complete picture is revealed.

The journey of the Magi has not been without danger and is one of faith. They have followed their star for this part of the journey and now that God has been revealed to them, they will continue their journey with this inner truth.

We too have been given this inner truth and we too have gifts to bring and share, they might not be gold but they are even more valuable. We cannot let life pass us by, we are called through our Baptism to share our gifts and complete the picture of the invigorated body of Christ.

Cate Mapstone

Youth Ministry Resources The Epiphany of The Lord
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Youth Ministry Resources The Epiphany of The Lord